Positive welfare indicators include calm locomotion (relaxed gait), relaxed allogrooming, exploration,play and affiliative behaviours with other marmosets such as relaxed huddling and food sharing.
It is a good sign if marmosets are generally relaxed in the company of their social group and around the human caregivers.
Negative welfare indicators in captive common marmosets include excessive scent marking, scratching, gouging, agitated locomotion (excluding during play) and vigilance (inactive alert behaviour).
Welfare indications also depend on the situation in which the behaviour is performed and how, for how long and how often the behaviour is carried out
For example hurried nervous allogrooming is poorer quality than extended, calm relaxed grooming
Occasional aggressive behaviours between group members are to be expected but obviously any inflicting wounds or repeated ‘bullying’ are matters of serious concern
Marmoset parts hair of other with mouth or hands and may remove particles with their teeth
Positive welfare indicator
Grooming Invite
Marmoset lies down on back or side next to another individual, frequently elicits allogrooming
Positive welfare indicator
Nuzzle: Face Nuzzle; Body Nuzzle; Anal Nuzzle
Marmoset rubs muzzle against the face or body of another
This video shows a face nuzzle
Social greeting which may be accompanied by licking and sniffing
Positive welfare indicator
Body Hug
Marmoset hugs other with arms
Response is always an amicable behaviour (e.g. nuzzle, lick)
This example clip also shows face and body nuzzle between two adult females
Positive welfare indicator
Face Lick
Marmoset licks other (most often towards infants)
Social behaviour which also has a functional, cleaning role when performed on infants
Licking has been linked improved cognitive development in infants
Positive welfare indicator
Anal Lick
Share Food
Marmoset shares food or allows food to be taken when other reaches towards them with hand or mouth (no aggressive behaviour seen)
Positive welfare indicator
Playful Behaviours (Positive Welfare Indicators)
Play Wrestle
Marmoset performs a grappling motion with hands and feet. The other individual often responds playfully and mutual wrestling is common
Positive welfare indicator
Play Pounce
Marmoset pounces rapidly on another during play
Positive welfare indicator
Play Bite
Marmoset gives an inhibited bite (playful and not aggressive) to any part of another marmosets’ body
Positive welfare indicator
Play Somersault
Marmoset turns a complete turn within mid-air, a somersault, during a play bout
Positive welfare indicator
Marmoset hits another with one or both hands in an amicable context to initiate play or social contact
Positive welfare indicator
Solitary Play
Marmosets may play on their own, performing solitary playful behaviours, not directed towards or involving others
Positive welfare indicator
Aggressive Behaviours (Negative Welfare Indicators if Cause Injury or are Persistent)
Marmoset pursues another aggressively
Negative welfare indicator
Marmoset gives a sharp hit with the hand when chastising another marmoset
Usually performed by an older towards a younger marmoset
Mildly aggressive (tends to be milder if towards a younger infant)
Negative welfare indicator if persistent
Snap Bite
Short sharp bite given to another marmosets’ neck
Usually seen together with cuff and from an older to a younger individual
Mildly aggressive
Negative welfare indicator if persistent
Uninhibited Bite
Marmoset gives another a strong, aggressive bite
Usually to the head or limbs and may inflict a bleeding wound
Negative welfare indicator
Steal Food
Marmoset takes food directly and rapidly from another (and is sometimes chased by the individual he/she has stolen from)
Negative welfare indicator if persistent
Anogenital Tail Present
Presentation of genital area whilst raising the tail
Displayed by marmosets when threatened
Negative welfare indicator (especially if persistently directed towards human caregivers)
Mobbing Behaviour
Many individuals within a social group vocalise and move towards or around a potential predator
Usually at the same time as giving the mobbing call
Wild marmosets have been observed to mob a variety of different predators, including the South American margay cat, coati and tayra; humans may be perceived as a predator by captive marmosets
Negative welfare indicator (especially if persistently directed towards human caregivers)
Food-related Behaviours
Marmoset bites into, chews and swallows food
Foraging/Ground Forage
Marmoset actively searches for food with hand(s) in the substrate (e.g. sawdust; bark chippings, leaf litter)
Positive welfare indicator
Beg for Food
Marmoset approaches another tries to solicit food by extending hand or mouth towards another marmoset with food
Stalk and Pounce on Insect (Prey Capture)
Marmoset approaches stealthily at a crouch and rapidly jumps, bringing their hands together to capture the prey
Marmoset gnaws at wood with teeth
Marmosets are adapted to gnaw trees to get at the gum (exudate)
Gouging is a feeding behaviour in the wild but in captivity it is usually a sign of stress if not related to feeding for gum
Negative welfare indicator if persistent (and not feeding behaviour)
Gouging behaviour is often followed by scent marking
Scent-related Behaviours
Scent Marking
Marmoset rubs sternal (tummy) or anogenital area (more commonly) over surface/substrate
Scent marking performed in the example video is all anogenital
Observed at a higher frequency in captive relative to wild marmosets
Negative welfare indicator when excessive
Marmoset lifts tail and rubs genital area on other marmoset
Self-directed Behaviours
Marmoset repeatedly moves hand or foot with claws drawn rapidly across fur
Negative welfare indicator when excessive as indicates anxiety or a potential skin problem
Marmoset cleans their fur or skin with their hands or mouth
Calm Locomotion
Marmoset moves rapidly between locations (walking, running, climbing or jumping with a relaxed gait
Positive welfare indicator
Agitated Locomotion
Marmoset moves rapidly between locations (walking, running, climbing or jumping with an exaggerated gait (excluding play contexts); tail may be either extended or arched
Negative welfare indicator when excessive
Marmosets are capable of leaping across relatively large distances
Vertical Flight
Sudden startled and direct movement upwards followed by freezing (the startle response)
Negative welfare indicator when excessive
Stationary Behaviours
Resting (Inactive Rest)
Marmoset is stationary with a relaxed facial expression and with eyes closed or open
Usually with their tail curled around their body or through their legs
Positive welfare indicator
Marmosets are resting or sleeping piled on top of one another
In the wild: marmosets sleep huddled together in tree forks or in dense tangles of vines
In captivity they like to huddle high up in their enclosure when sleeping at night
Positive welfare indicator if relaxed
Inactive Alert
Marmoset is stationary, awake and attentive to their surroundings
May be actively vigilant (looking all around themselves in an anxious manner)